Sunday, March 27, 2011

Around The Bay

Wow- it has been over a month since I have blogged... but, I have had a revelation. This weekend I was fortunate enough to attend the Around The Bay Expo, as a part of my internship with the Cleveland Marathon. It was a great time--and I met some fantastic people! Being there really made me (MORE) excited for our race that is coming up May 15th! Also, it inspired me to start running. You see, I got involved with the Cleveland Marathon to gain experience in MAJOR event planning, but as time goes by, I really want to start running, as well. I have been thinking about what I need to do to start this process--and I have decided that a GOAL is going to help me keep my eye on the prize! So, here it is.. I am telling the world: I am going to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon during Princess Marathon Weekend from February 24-26, 2012. This gives me 333 days to train and work my body to accomplish this! :) If anyone is interested in becoming my running buddy, please check out the Disney Princess Half Marathon website, at:

As I close one chapter in my life (school), and all the busy-ness that comes with that, I have decided to make my half marathon training a number one goal of mine. Along with that, I must say.... back to studying for me! Only a few weeks of classes left and I will be graduated! :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Reminiscing . . .

In the last few weeks, I have had some time to reflect and really think about my life. Anyone close to me will tell you how scared I am, as I search for the "next step" in my life. I guess I am only scared because I do not know what is to come.

 When I was little, two things were important to me. My family and the time I spent "playing"/ doing what I wanted to do. My fondest memories are playing outside in our pool (especially when we made our parents let us take bath's in the pool); Mr. Mackintosh with my cousins Lindsay and Shannon and brother Jeffrey; My Grandma Flaherty's Green Pump's which I LOVED to sport with every outfit imaginable; and all my fabulous birthday parties.I also remember some of the crazy things my siblings and I used to do, such as the afternoon Jeffrey drug a large bag of naval oranges down our Valley View driveway and started throwing them at cars. Another fond memory was when my mom sang to me every day. The song was:  "Do You Know The Muffin Man". I'd look out my window in the morning and see if he was walking down the road. But, for some reason, I always missed him. Probably because he was make believe :)

During the next stage of my life, the only thing that was important to me was shopping, doing what I wanted, and FRIENDS. This is about the time when I met my best friend, Ann Fajt. (Now Ann Fajt-McKee) The "story of us," which sounds kind of weird, but it just describes HOW WE ARE, is a funny one (and I can't believe I am telling it here.) I met Ann on the bus one day in 6th grade. I sat down next to her and proceeded to tell her: "Hi, my name is Jacqui and I like to shop. Do you like to shop?" (I waited for her answer; and she thought I was crazy.) Then, I proceeded to tell her, "I like to shop so much, that I keep a list of every store I have ever shopped at." Now, if I was Ann, I probably would have gotten up and ran away, but this is the "love story" that started our beautiful relationship. I had to tell this story, because this literally marks the time where I would wake up every Saturday morning and call my Grandma Helen and ask her to take me shopping. I swear, I inherited that "shopping gene" from her. ;)

When I started high school my priorities were to do good in school and to spend as much time with my friends as I could. I wanted to be as far away from my family as possible. (Oh how times have changed!)

Now, as I sit here, a college student (almost an alumni!) my priorities are as follows: my family, my boyfriend (and his family), my best friends, doing good for the community--I have an urge to do things for others who need it more than I do, being happy, and traveling.

And as I reminisce on all the great memories I have from the past, I know that the future will hold some pretty good ones too. I guess I am nervous and EXCITED about what is to come.

So, bring it on GRADUATION! Bring it on! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Relaxing Snowday

As I sit here on my second SNOW DAY of 2011, I finally have the time to reflect on all good things that have come out of 2011 already. And its only been a month! :) (Ohhh...and this is probably the first time in the last month and two days, that I have had to RELAX... snow days are perfect for some relaxation time!)  I celebrated my 23rd birthday on the 15th of January, with lots of good friends and family. Also, in January, I made my first trip to TEXAS! I interviewed with Southwest Airlines, for a post-graduate internship position. Sadly (and thankfully,) I did not get the internship--as I am not sure if was ready to make a big move, so soon, anyways. I really enjoyed Dallas and the surrounding areas, as I was able to explore for an entire weekend opposed to just a day. I arrived in Dallas on a Saturday and was able to spend all day Saturday and Sunday with Bruno's Aunt Clare and her husband, Todd, and children Alex and Nico. :) It was a really great time and I can't wait to head back to "The Big D" for another visit in the near future. The day before I headed to Texas, Bruno and I went to our first Cavs game of the season. It was a bittersweet moment as my Cleveland Cavaliers weren't able to keep up with a less-than-perfect team. But, I can't wait to see what is in store for them in the next few seasons... my love for Cleveland sports (especially Cleveland Basketball,) has had so many ups and downs through the years! My internship with the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon is going wonderfully. I am really enjoying all the time I am spending there and have had a great experience thus far. Hmmm.. other than that, not much else is going on. Classes are good; ZPN is still so much fun (I love all of the exec board... and it is sad to think I will be leaving "all this" behind in just a few short months!); and I have to mention, I love living with Stacey Lynn :). Stacey is just one of those people that makes you feel so happy all of the time! We have so much fun watching "our shows" on Monday nights and sharing countless bottles of wine. I have to say... this year is already proving to be fantastic and I can't wait to see what is in store in the future. Cheers! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2010 . . . It's Over Already?

So... 2010 is over, ALREADY, and I'm thinking we need to review everything wonderful that happened last year! Although last year was a great year, with ups and downs, as every year has, 2011 is my year!

I'm quite sure that it is going to be alot of fun, especially because I have much to look forward to. First and foremost, GRADUATION. My college graduation is going to bring about an entirely different chapter in my life... so, 2011, yes you have begun... but, I can't wait to see what you bring.

Here is my 2010 YEAR IN REVIEW:

January 2010:As always, each January starts out with my birthday. This year, I celebrated with friends at El Jalapeno, my favorite Mexican Restaurant in Barberton. We had a great time, as always.

Mom, Dad, Me and Jeffrey Celebrating my birthday
 February 2010:
On Valentines Day weekend I was fortunate enough to be chosen as an AFLV Undergraduate Intern at the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. This conference brings together many Greek (Fraternity and Sorority) students and their advisors all for a common purpose. I attended AFLV the previous year, as PHC President, and came back as an intern in 2010. I met some wonderful people at AFLV, whom, I will always call lifelong friends.

Most of the Undergraduate Interns on our first night in St. Louis

Me and Colin showing off one of the many reasons why we are friends... we were so excited that we were so alike!

Bryan and myself... Matching Outfits ;)

 March 2010:
In March, I assisted in planning and hosting the 2010 Greek Leadership Awards. The GLA's was one of the best events I helped plan! It was so beautiful inside--everything looked wonderful! In March, we also celebrated one of the best holiday's ever... St. Patrick's Day. (I have to say this because I am Irish... and of course I have an Italian boyfriend who won't even wear green!)

All the tables at the GLA's

After winning the Thomas J. Vukovich award for Outstanding Leadership.

St. Patrick's Day 2010 with Annabelle and our Green Beer :)

With all the girls and Terry, our leprechaun

 April 2010:
In April, Songfest took over my life! Good thing I had wonderful co-chairs to work with! I had such a great time planning Songfest with my Little and Micah! Also in April, was Easter. Easter was spent at my parents house in Wadsworth, last year. April was also my last month as an active Alpha Gamma Delta member.

Colin, my AFLV-bff, came and judged Songfest for me! It was so much fun to have him there.

Songfest Chairs 2010

My AGD Family at IRD.

May 2010:
In May, we celebrated Jimmy's birthday... as well as an end to another semester. Summer was not too far away and I was so happy to have the summer off!

Jimmy's Birthday

June 2010:
SUMMER! In June, we spent a lot of time swimming and having fun. I also worked at a Country Club in Hudson, for the entire summer. I kept busy by spending time with friends.

July 2010:
In July, we celebrated the 4th out on Bruno's boat with his family and friends. The second weekend in July was spent at the Italian-American festival downtown Akron. Each day and night, different activities were going on. On Friday, a group of friends and I served beer at the Beer and Wine Trucks. On Saturday, I was able to enjoy the festival with family and friends. And, on Sunday, I spent the day volunteering with friends and Alpha Gam's at the Annual Pasta Dinner at the Festival. The Carovillese Club actively participated in many of the events at the festival, that weekend. Later in July, we celebrated the Feast of Santo Stefano with Bruno and friends, at the Club.

The 4th on Portage Lakes

Watching fireworks downtown Akron

Beer Trucks at the Italian Festival with my best high school gals

Saturday evening at the Festival with the ladies

All my Carovillese boys

August 2010:
August was one of the best months of 2010! In August, I spent a week at the beach with Alison; we celebrated Bruno's birthday with a surprise party at El Jalapeno;  spent time with my favorite girls at Ann's bachelorette party; Ann got MARRIED in the Smoky Mountains; and we returned to school. MY LAST YEAR OF COLLEGE. August proved to be one of the biggest highlights--with the most FUN packed in to ONE month!
Just arrived at Tybee Island after a long day/night of driving!

Downtown Savannah

Crab Legs!

With the girlies after the worst game of putt putt ever---As you can probably assume, I am a champion :)

Celebrating Bruno's Birthday

Ann's Bachelorette Party

Tennessee for Ann and Zak's Wedding

Best Friend on her Wedding Day

Beautiful Bride and Groom


Gameroom during Welcome Weekend

The Crew

Jeffrey's 21st

September 2010:
September proved to a great month as well... We helped celebrate my Grandma and Grandpa Flaherty's 50th Wedding Anniversary on Friday September 3rd with a gathering of family and friends, as well as a celebratory mass. We also celebrated my sister, Jessica's birthday! Then... On September 23rd, Mom, Jimmy and I headed out of Ohio to the beautiful sights of Orlando, Florida and Walt Disney World. We were very excited because we had been planning every detail of our vacation since May. The trip was one of the best experiences of my life, as I was able to see Walt Disney World... every bit of it, through the eyes of a child. We really enjoyed Epcot, The Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. The highlights of our trip included eating delicious food at Epcot, Character Greetings, and the Very Very Not-So-Scary Halloween Party.

Grandma and Grandpa Flaherty's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Their present that we made them, A Photo Quilt

DISNEY WORLD!!! Our First Ride... At Epcot

Hawaiian Luau

A Bugs Life Show

Minnie Mouse

Magic Kingdom

Very, Very Not-So-Scary Halloween Party

The Incredibles.

October 2010:
October brought Homecoming Weekend, Football Games, Blue Man Group, Pumpkin Picking at the Pumpkin Patch // Pumpking Carving and Halloween 2010!

Homecoming Court

ZPN Exec at Homecoming 2010

Bruno and I

With Mom and Dad at the Homecoming Court get together

With Dr. Proenza and Chad

Blue Man Group

At The Farm


November 2010:
Thanksgiving... A Holiday job at Coach... Accepted my internship with the Cleveland Marathon... Surprised Jimmy with tickets to Justin Bieber... Browns game with Bruno....
Justin Bieber Concert in Cleveland

Out with Juanita

Browns Game

December 2010:

Finals, Christmas Parties, Giovanni's Birthday, An Evening at Playhouse Square, Christmas, Milena's Baptism, and Honoring Nonno....
My pink tree

Gio's Birthday

Christmas Party at  Thad's

Christmas Show at Playhouse Square

Family Photo on Dad's Birthday

Christmas Eve

Siblings after Christmas Day Mass

Christmas Day