Sunday, March 27, 2011

Around The Bay

Wow- it has been over a month since I have blogged... but, I have had a revelation. This weekend I was fortunate enough to attend the Around The Bay Expo, as a part of my internship with the Cleveland Marathon. It was a great time--and I met some fantastic people! Being there really made me (MORE) excited for our race that is coming up May 15th! Also, it inspired me to start running. You see, I got involved with the Cleveland Marathon to gain experience in MAJOR event planning, but as time goes by, I really want to start running, as well. I have been thinking about what I need to do to start this process--and I have decided that a GOAL is going to help me keep my eye on the prize! So, here it is.. I am telling the world: I am going to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon during Princess Marathon Weekend from February 24-26, 2012. This gives me 333 days to train and work my body to accomplish this! :) If anyone is interested in becoming my running buddy, please check out the Disney Princess Half Marathon website, at:

As I close one chapter in my life (school), and all the busy-ness that comes with that, I have decided to make my half marathon training a number one goal of mine. Along with that, I must say.... back to studying for me! Only a few weeks of classes left and I will be graduated! :)

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