Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Relaxing Snowday

As I sit here on my second SNOW DAY of 2011, I finally have the time to reflect on all good things that have come out of 2011 already. And its only been a month! :) (Ohhh...and this is probably the first time in the last month and two days, that I have had to RELAX... snow days are perfect for some relaxation time!)  I celebrated my 23rd birthday on the 15th of January, with lots of good friends and family. Also, in January, I made my first trip to TEXAS! I interviewed with Southwest Airlines, for a post-graduate internship position. Sadly (and thankfully,) I did not get the internship--as I am not sure if was ready to make a big move, so soon, anyways. I really enjoyed Dallas and the surrounding areas, as I was able to explore for an entire weekend opposed to just a day. I arrived in Dallas on a Saturday and was able to spend all day Saturday and Sunday with Bruno's Aunt Clare and her husband, Todd, and children Alex and Nico. :) It was a really great time and I can't wait to head back to "The Big D" for another visit in the near future. The day before I headed to Texas, Bruno and I went to our first Cavs game of the season. It was a bittersweet moment as my Cleveland Cavaliers weren't able to keep up with a less-than-perfect team. But, I can't wait to see what is in store for them in the next few seasons... my love for Cleveland sports (especially Cleveland Basketball,) has had so many ups and downs through the years! My internship with the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon is going wonderfully. I am really enjoying all the time I am spending there and have had a great experience thus far. Hmmm.. other than that, not much else is going on. Classes are good; ZPN is still so much fun (I love all of the exec board... and it is sad to think I will be leaving "all this" behind in just a few short months!); and I have to mention, I love living with Stacey Lynn :). Stacey is just one of those people that makes you feel so happy all of the time! We have so much fun watching "our shows" on Monday nights and sharing countless bottles of wine. I have to say... this year is already proving to be fantastic and I can't wait to see what is in store in the future. Cheers! :)

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